Monday, July 30, 2007

"this is no time for ease and comfort, it is time to dare and endure" --Winston Churchill--

let us take a moment to acknowledge the good things that sports have to offer, case and point, Wim Vansevenant. Who is Wim? he is the Lanterne Rouge of the Tour De France. I realize most don't know what the hell that is, or why it even matters, so i will endeavor to explain. the Lanterne Rouge is the man who has the dubious honor of finishing the tour in last place. why should this matter? why do we care about some guy who came in last? well, the tour is one of the most brutal, grueling bike races/sporting events in the world, it takes incredible stamina and strength of mind and body to ride all twenty days when you have something to win. it takes even more courage and fortitude to continue on day in and day out knowing you will be consigned to finishing last. lesser men quit rather than being listed as the last place finisher. still others can't face the physical torment the race visits upon them, and bow under to the pain . Wim conquered all of these things and finished the whole thing. So let us all raise a glass in toast to Mr. Vanseveant, cheers mate!! job well done!!

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