Monday, April 23, 2007

no, it was a weather balloon, really, it was

so here we are again. Floyd Landis, author of the single greatest cycling feat i have ever had the privilege to witness, is being railroaded again (allegedly). I have no illusions about his innocence or guilt. i fully realize that the sport i love is tainted. it has a history of performance enhancing drugs. i mean hell, in the old days they used amphetamines to get a little edge on the competition. it wasn't until some poor dude's heart exploded on a climb, that they did something about that. no i have no illusions, these men compete in an insanely hard event, and the stakes are high. only the top riders make the big contracts, and sponsors want immediate results. i understand and accept this with no reservations. the part i don't understand is this:
Floyd Landis has repeatedly questioned the ethics and standards of the french lab testing his samples. his first sample that tested positive checked in at five different checkpoints on the way to the lab with four different tracking numbers (allegedly).
Once your A samples are cleared your B samples aren't supposed to be tested. If they are , the results cannot replace a negative result on an A sample, even if they do come back positive.
The US ADA was allowed to test his old B samples anyway.
Floyd asked that the samples be tested in a different lab, once again citing alleged improper practices of the aforementioned french lab.
The samples were tested at the same French lab regardless. the lab promised to give Landis' expert and an attorney complete access to the testing procedures.
Floyd's experts were allegedly denied entrance to the facilities on different occasions while the US ADA representative received unfettered access.
now the results have come back poitive.(after the A samples tested negative) at least that is what was leaked from the lab or the US ADA (allegedly) to the french newspaper l'equipe. the whole thing just stinks. it's like Floyd is standing on his soap box screaming "the aliens have landed in roswell, the aliens have landed in roswell!" and the US ADA and that french lab are saying back "no sir that was a weather balloon, no spaceships here in roswell, just an old weather balloon." either way the louder they shout the less anyone believes them. i mean, i don't believe aliens landed in roswell, but i don't think it was a weather balloon either.
so lets all raise a glass and toast the french lab and the US ADA, they made sure that even if they don't win, those who love the sport of cycling will lose!


Little Kenny said...

Yeah and then who would wear the spandex. Bummer.

the screamin chinaman said...

i didn't say i'd lost my love of the outfits chancho. because sometimes when you are older you will wear stretchy pants in your room just for fun. nnaaaaacchhhhhooooooooooo!