Now I know that this is probably a pretty touchy subject to a lot of people. Mr Imus's remarks were indeed
callous and thoughtless, but i am sick of hearing people saying he should lose his job. Every day there seems to be some new representative of some human rights group on the television screaming that he should be fired. lets look at it
realistically, the man has a comedy show. He is paid to walk the line every day, because lets face it, most humor is at someone
else's expense. While he agrees that he crossed the line,he claims it was not said to be hurtful, it was said within the confines of his show as humor. He knows he missed the mark and has apologized profusely. He has been suspended, and not protested one bit, Yet the media frenzy continues. they are like sharks with blood in the water, they circle and hunt relentlessly. They trot out every
African American activist they can find to
vilify Mr Imus. Day after day i have seen this, and it has brought me to this conclusion. Political correctness has gotten way out of hand. By way of example I would like to bring up another such situation, the Duke lacrosse rape scandal. That situation started out much the same way, at least from the standpoint of media coverage. there was the reverend Al
Sharpton preaching about racism and the over
privileged white America. These kids were arrested, their Lacrosse program was shut down (effecting other players as well), they were publicly declared guilty before the evidence was in, they were ostracized by their school and by their peers, and forever will have the spectre of that case looming over them. Now here we are thirteen months later and all three are exonerated of all charges. Where now is Al
Sharpton, where is the NAACP? I want to see these guys on my television apologizing as loud as they condemned. If Don Imus should be fired, then shouldn't Al
Sharpton as well? he unfairly
characterized three white youths as criminals and racists, is that not as bad if not worse than what Imus did? At least Imus didn't cost the women he insulted their
athletic and scholastic careers, they didn't end up jailed and marked for the rest of their lives. Furthermore, if you are going to fire public personalities for political correctness, then shouldn't most rappers lose their record contracts for their hateful lyrics? Or perhaps political correctness only counts if it gives someone else a little
notoriety? I guess no one I have seen on my television in the last three days has ever made a mistake. they probably also have never
mis-spoken, and they
definitely never offended anyone. They must be shining beacons of humanity, perfect in every aspect. I am so sick of this crap! People are stupid and thoughtless, sometimes they say things that aggravate each other, and sometimes it is an accident. save all the venom for the people who deserve it. this guy isn't burning crosses on peoples lawns. matter of fact he doesn't start his suspension until the end of the week so that he can finish his charity drive to benefit S.I.D.S. research.
You want to fix this culture? then look in the mirror and start there first you self
righteous F$%*S. That is all.