Wednesday, January 30, 2008

election apathy

today on the job, i heard some employees breaking the cardinal rule. ( never talk about sex, religion, or politics ). now a bunch of construction workers breaking rules is not surprising in and of itself. what was shocking to me was the topic, ( politics ) and the turn the conversation took. three dudes were saying they wouldn't bother going to vote because " who cares, I don't think any of them are qualified anyway." when i hear these kinds of indifferent comments, it disturbs me. there are places in the world where people would risk death just to speak their minds. in some places they would gladly sacrifice themselves for their children to have just the smallest chance to take an active role in their government. we take for granted, and blow off, the liberties that many others will never know. we rationalize our behavior by saying our voices won't make a difference, but every now and then, someone does. he or she may not live a very long life, but they make a positive change whatever the cost. this election when i go to the polls, whether there is a good candidate or not, i will be thankful that i at least have the chance to participate, and i will keep those who paid the ultimate price for me to have that opportunity close to my heart. every time i write some nonsense on the internet, i think of that dude standing in front of tanks in china. what a terrible chance he took to give people the right to assemble, if only for another minute. "he alone deserves liberty who daily must win them anew' --Geothe--


forksplit said...

I think it's also important to remember that the guys (and maybe gals too) that died to make sure we all have the right to vote also died to make sure we have the right not to. This way, ignorant fucks like your coworkers don't feel compelled to participate. When that happens, the dumbasses out there don't actually get a say!
All bases are covered too, because they have "the right" to vote (so it's not like they're being oppressed), but we make sure that they can actually choose not to. Then, the non-dumbasses actually get to pick the winner.
Of course this plan backfires when you have a total dumbass running for president that the teeming masses of dumbshits can actually relate to (like in '00 and '04).

Anonymous said...

Well said, Dave & James.
Didn't realize you guys were so "deep".
And now for a candidate plug -
Ron Paul for President!
(This is the 1st candidate that got my Steve excited enough to vote in a primary election for the 1st time since I don't know when. Anyone that has that kind of power is peachy keen in my book.) =)

Fancypants said...

Well then, since you'll be voting, who do you recommend as a representative of the U.S.?

Here are your choices:
1. The guy who removed the U.S. flag from his plane. He believes it's ok for women to abort babies by carrying them to term and then stabbing them in the back of the head with a pair of scissors once the head is birthed. His wife has gone on record as stating she hates America.

2. The other guy will carry on the current administration's agenda. Who supports rule by majority as opposed to rule by law thus eliminating decisions being made based on our ability to discern right from wrong and replaced with making decisions based on what provides the individual more of the U.S. Treasury funds.

Both of these two men support the idea that vociferous Americans who disagree with the administration's plans can be labeled 'homegrown terrorists'. That's right, both want to eliminate free speech, and as such have no issue with eliminating your rights and subjecting you to tactics such as waterboarding that they have deemed as NOT torture.

How do you make a right decision there? Your buddies in Tiananmen Square were protesting [secondarily] against dishonest media coverage. These two men are nothing more than modern day PRC government officials. After all we owe our existence as a nation to China and both these two men know that well. Brace yourself. Another 6/4 incident approaches.