Wednesday, May 30, 2007

my holy grail?

that's right kids, i have almost completed my quest to change my luck. after about nine years of seaching, i have located and purchased the asahi super lucky cat. it is brand new and in the original box. the company says that this is critical, because if you buy a used cat the luck does not change hands with it. i know this might seem silly to some, but lets look at the facts. since my purchase (before i've even recieved my cat) my luck has already changed for the better. i haven't been in one bicycle accident since. i know you might think this is because i still don't have a bike, but i prefer to look at it differently. if i had a bike i might have been involved in the massive wreck at the rose bowl last night. one guy got hurt so badly they had to take him to the hospital in an ambulance, he was unconcious. pretty lucky i wasn't there huh? hopefully he can find a lucky cat to speed him down the road to recovery. so here's to the lucky cat and the fine times in the years to come. cheers!


Little Kenny said...

Is it here yet?

the screamin chinaman said...

nope, i guess it takes a while to ship things when you only pay $75 to ship it!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Can you tell me where you got the lucky cat from
please. I want one!
md, san francisco

Anonymous said...

can you tell me where u got the lucky cat too?
i'm in desperate for one right now..
please thank you..

Cap'n Chris said...

Can you post where you got the super elusive Asahi Super Lucky Cat?